I was born in 1985 in a little Bavarian village near Munich, Germany. Buddhism has resonated with me from a very young age, however at that time the possibilities to learn more about it were extremely limited (yes, I actually grew up without Internet ;-)). For this reason, I was soon determined to go to China, wishing to practice and study Buddhism there. However, going to an Asian country without knowing the language is quite a bad idea, therefore I bought myself a book and started on a very long journey to master Chinese. It took me ten years and some more until in 2013 I finally took my precepts as a layperson (Upasika) at Da Ci En Temple in Xi'an, China. In 2017, I moved to Xi'an permanently and have been living and practicing there ever since.

What you will see on this website is a collection of my Buddhist artwork. Painting is an important part of my practice, by which I try to visualize my personal understanding of Buddhist concepts and ideas; I feel that this helps me to develop a deeper understanding of both the Dharma and myself. Furthermore, painting Mandalas is a meditative practice, which not only helps cultivating concentration and patience, but by which the meditator can "enter" the world depicted in the Mandala to gain insight.

The spiritual path is unique for each of us, and through this website I wish to share some of my personal experience. Feel free to explore and if you like, you can get in touch using the "Contact Me" form at the bottom of the page. :-)

Chinese Version(打开中文手机版)
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